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Histones References

Calf Thymus
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Some Researches on Histones ,
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De Petrocellis, L. , Quagliarotti, G. , Tomei, L. and Geraci, G.
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The Structures of Histones ,
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Enzymatic Deacetylation of f2a2 Histone ,
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Garel, A. , Kovacs, A. , Champagne, M. and Daune, M.
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Grimes, S. , Chae, C. and Irvin, J.
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Hayashi, K. , Matsutera, E. and Ohba, Y.
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Jackson, V. , Granner, D. and Chalkley, R.
Deposition of Histones onto Replicating Chromosomes ,
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Jackson, V. , Shires, A. , Chalkley, R. and Granner, D.
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Interactions Between Histone Fractions and DNA ,
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Stabilization of Histones from Rat Liver ,
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Ohba, Y. , Hayashi, K. , Nakagawa, Y. and Yamaguchi, Z.
Oikarinen, J.
Patthy, L. and Smith, E.
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Polisky, B. and McCarthy, B.
Location of Histones on Simian Virus 40 DNA ,
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Quagliarotti, G. , Ogawa, Y. , Taylor, C. , Sautiere, P. , Jordan, J. , Starbuck, W. and Busch, H.
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Roark, D. , Geoghegan, T. and Keller, G.
Sakai, K. , Tanaka, Y. , Asahi, M. , Shimomura, R. , Taniguchi, T. , Hashimoto, E. and Yamamura, H.
Sanders, C. and Johns, E.
Sautiere, P. , Moschetto, Y. , Dautrevaux, M. and Biserte, G.
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Sherod, D. , Johnson, G. , Balhorn, R. , Jackson, V. , Chalkley, R. and Granner, D.
Shires, A. , Carpenter, M. and Chalkley, R.
New Histones Found in Mature Mammalian Testes ,
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A Rat-Specific Lysine-Rich Histone ,
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Suzuki, T. and Iwanami, Y.
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An Octamer of Histones in Chromatin and Free in Solution ,
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Preparation and Assay of Deoxyribonucleic Acid from Animal Tissue , Methods in Enzymology Vol. 3 , S. Colowick and N. Kaplan , Academic Press, NY , 696 , 1975

Histones Products

Cat. #
Histone, Dried
Calf Thymus
An ethanol dried powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.
Store at 2-8°C.
250 mg
1 gm
The minimum amount for bulk packaging/pricing for this product is 20000 x 1 mg. Please contact to request a quote for smaller amounts.
Histone, Lyophilized
Calf Thymus
A dialyzed, lyophilized powder. Unfractionated mixture of histones.
Store at 2-8°C.
250 mg
1 gm
The minimum amount for bulk packaging/pricing for this product is 20000 x 1 mg. Please contact to request a quote for smaller amounts.